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Deep-Sky Planner 9 was released on 14 June 2024.

A minor update was released on 15 July 2024.

Deep-Sky Planner 9 Trial Edition is available now by digital download.

See the Knightware astronomy software calendar of events.

The latest published review of Deep-Sky Planner appears in the August 2021 issue of Sky & Telescope magazine. Learn more here.


Deep-Sky Planner for Windows

Observation Planning and Logging
Astronomy Software

Deep-Sky Planner Awards

2014 astronomy software award

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2013 astronomy software award

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Introducing Deep-Sky Planner 9!

Deep-Sky Planner 9 astronomy software for Windows provides the powerful, accurate tools you need to make your time at the telescope more efficient and enjoyable. Discover what you can observe, when and where to observe it, and what it looks like. Once you've observed an object, record the observation in the most feature-complete observing log anywhere. Your observations can be exchanged with other astronomy software (like SkySafari or Starry Night) that supports OpenAstronomyLog - the world's first open, non-proprietary international standard for recording observations.

New Features

  • Expanded and improved database - 1.6+ million objects
  • Improved user interface - support for 4k+ monitors, light and dark themes.
  • Faster Backup and Restore of user data
  • Browse and download resources on the online community - Observing Plans and Equipment Lists
  • Faster processing of DSS images, including color DSS images
  • Expanded support for image files attached to observations
  • Improved orbital elements management - download from MPC or NASA/JPL SSD
  • Compatible with Windows 11 and 10

  • Much more!
Deep-sky Planner video library See the Deep-Sky Planner 9 introduction video page  

Customers often report that Deep-Sky Planner has the best user interface among astronomy software. That's no accident: it's a commitment to making your observing as productive and enjoyable as possible. See why.

Deep-Sky Planner is compatible with Windows 11 and 10. See more.

"While I have a hard drive full of astronomy software, I could easily get along with just DSP 8. It is a joy to use indoors or on an observing field."
- Rod Mollise, Sky & Telescope magazine August 2021
"Just wanted to let you know that I have tried a number of 'Planner' programs XXXX [sic] and I find that DSP6 works the best. I know of a number of other people that also swear by this program."
- Steve B, California
"Just a quick comment.  I don't know how I'd plan my astrophotography without this tool!  Especially the artificial horizon feature which saves me a lot of time."
- David L, Queensland Australia
"By far the cleanest and most trouble free piece of Astronomy related software I own!"
- Joe D, Texas
"From my perspective, DSP is a comprehensive planning and logging system which is worth anyone’s time and money to employ in their observing life."
- Jonathan Gale, The Deep-Sky Observer,
Journal of the Webb Deep-Sky Society, Winter 2016
"That is brilliant service thanks; like I have never seen before from any software company."
- Simon L, New Zealand

Product Highlights


Astronomy software relies on accurate data. Version 9 has the latest and best deep-sky and stellar data available. Data is taken from the latest professional, peer-reviewed catalogs and now contains over 1.6 million objects. Version 9 includes the latest (2023) Revised NGC/IC catalog by Dr. Wolfgang Steinicke. Other catalogs have been added or updated and many corrections and cross references have been made to the database. Stellar data have been updated to permit high accuracy binary star ephemerides for well-studied visual systems, and predictions of variable star light extrema. Catalog data is treated differently than any other software in the industry. See why.

Accurate ephemerides may be calculated for Sun, moon, planets, comets and asteroids. You can do filtered and sorted searches for asteroids and comets.

Observing plans can be built containing any of over 1.6 million objects in the database, or any other that you define. The online Plan Library has hundreds of pre-built plans ready for download. Plans run in real-time or for any time and place that you select. Plans can be loaded into Nexus DSC, Argo Navis or Sky Commander devices. They can also be shared with SkySafari, ACP, APT, NINA and Sequence Generator Pro software. Learn more.

Nexus DSC   SkySafari  argonavis


Data reporting is vital to astronomy software. Deep-Sky Planner includes several reports for planning and logging. Each can be printed, saved to HTML, plain text or delimited text (CSV) formats. Planet Events reports can also be saved to iCal format. Reports may be customized extensively. See how.


Astronomy software often treats logging as an insignificant addition, but not Deep-Sky Planner. The logging features are the most feature-complete available, and they are fully integrated with all planning features. The software learns which observing session and equipment you are using as you enter observations so that your workflow is optimized. The log is also fully searchable and reports are completely customizable. See how

OpenAstronomyLogThe log supports recording extensive sky and weather conditions data, including direct reading support for Unihedron's Sky Quality Meters and ASCOM weather devices. Still images, scanned sketches, video and audio can also be attached to observations.

Your observations are also more portable than ever: Deep-Sky Planner 9 allows you to exchange observations with other astronomy software (like SkySafari or Starry Night) that supports OpenAstronomyLog 2.1, an international standard for observation exchange. You can also save your log reports as HTML, plain text, or delimited text (CSV).

Star Charting

Deep-Sky Planner interoperates intelligently with leading planetarium software giving you the very best star charting functions available without duplicating features and costs. Use with:

  • Cartes du Ciel
  • Redshift
  • Starry Night
  • Stellarium
  • TheSky6/X/64 Pro

See how.

Controlling Telescopes

ascomEnjoy computer control of your telescope, and receive real-time feedback from your telescope or digital setting circles. See how.

Telescope control is a standard feature of Deep-Sky Planner and requires ASCOM 6.5 or earlier (free).

Push-To feature allows you to transmit the position of any object in a report to your Nexus DSC, Sky Commander or Argo Navis device. This allows you to use the device's object locating capability to find any object, including asteroids and comets.


Use Deep-Sky Planner to plan your imaging and save the targets (observing plan) to a file in the format required by:

Ease of Use

Astronomy software doesn't have to be hard to use!  Unlike most astronomy software, Deep-Sky Planner is designed to follow Microsoft's Windows Software Logo product guidelines. The software interacts with Windows in many standard ways that most observing software doesn't. It also works with Windows11 and 10 without User Account Control security problems. You can even install separate copies on one computer for multiple users. See how.

Deep-Sky Planner has extensive support of display scaling on high resolution monitors, and both light and dark styles. See more.

Deep-sky Planner video library Check out the video library and see how to plan and log observations.


Deep-Sky Planner 9 astronomy software download
Available now by digital delivery

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Click the Order Now button to the left to order Deep-Sky Planner securely using express checkout. You may also purchase any of our products securely using the full checkout by visiting the Knightware Store.

Both checkout procedures allow you to pay with major credit cards, debit cards, Paypal and more.

Astronomy clubs and societies can purchase Deep-Sky Planner at a discount. Click here for details.

Deep-Sky Planner 9 astronomy software has a 30 day money back guarantee.
(See policies.)

The latest Deep-Sky Planner News on Facebook.

Hardware and software requirements:

You need the following hardware and operating system software to run Deep-Sky Planner:

Deep-Sky Planner is protected by United States copyright laws and international treaties. All copyrights are owned by Knightware, LLC and/or Phyllis K. Lang, and are registered with the United States Copyright Office.

Revised NGC/IC data are compiled by Dr. Wolfgang Steinicke and subject to copyright. The Revised NGC/IC is used under license from Dr. Steinicke.

Astronomical Algorithms Software by Jeffrey Sax. (c) 1991 Wilmann-Bell, Inc. is used with permission of the publisher.

Deep-Sky Planner is a trademark of Knightware, LLC. All other trademarks are property of their respective holders.